The LanguageBird administrative office will be closed from December 23rd to January 1st. We look forward to connecting with you in the New Year!


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Learn Languages Online with LanguageBird

Today’s high school students need to learn a second language if they are to have an exemplary college experience followed by a well-rounded career. However, many teens struggle to actually learn languages taught in traditional high school classrooms. Parents often exhaust their search to find language courses and instructors for high school students that are both effective and accommodate their student’s school, extracurricular activities and family schedule.

LanguageBird offers the best solutions for high school students who need to take a language course, get tutoring, or add a new language to their skillset. Parents love the value in their investment as it leads to more well-rounded students who are confident speaking the target language. LanguageBird students are able to make deep cultural connections with their private instructor and gain a more broader worldview to serve them in years to come.


Join Our Informational Webinar

Would you like to learn more about what LanguageBird’s personalized, one-to-one language classes can do for your language learner?

Join us for an upcoming Virtual Informational Session to explore our accredited world language courses and decide if LanguageBird is the right fit for your student!

Why LanguageBird?

Listen to our testimonials to see what makes LanguageBird so special!

Global Seal of Biliteracy

The Global Seal of Biliteracy is recognized nationally and internationally by employers and schools as a standard metric of language proficiency. You can include it on your resume, CV, LinkedIn profile, or college applications to stand out from others and to clearly indicate your language ability.

We Made the List Again!

LanguageBird is on the Inc. 5000 list of fastest growing companies!! We're proud of the amazing team we've created globally and the 6,000+ students who have benefited from our programs. Join us as we continue to soar!

How It Works

From finding the perfect instructor to scheduling and tracking your progress, we take care of all the details, so you can focus on learning.



Choose your program and custom schedule.


Complete our orientation program.

Log on and Connect

Meet One-to-One for lessons on Microsoft Teams for Education.

Learn Like Never Before

Learn more, learn faster, and have fun.

LanguageBird Promotes Cultural Discovery

While acquiring credits is a major goal for every high school student who takes a language course, many students expect to make cultural connections and engage with the language at a deeper level as they seek enrichment for future travel and conversation. Unfortunately, some traditional high school campus classes can make cultural discovery very difficult. 

The student/instructor ratio is extremely high in many classes. This means instructors are limited to lecturing at one pace, according to one style, and there is little to no room for an enhanced teaching approach to focus on cultural discovery. Simply put, this approach isn’t considered a good use of time when one voice is expected to educate a group of students with different learning needs.

When students learn languages online with LanguageBird, native-level speaking instructors offer valuable one-to-one attention and are able to weave an immersive cultural journey into every lesson. They share their personal story and customs, while also personalizing the course to accommodate the student’s life and career goals. LanguageBird instructors make language learning real and relevant. 

Parents partner with LanguageBird because the value their teens receive from these online language classes pays off in unparalleled delivery of instruction and connection with a person, not software. Explore our various language courses and learn more about our accredited, online language classes and tutoring options. 

Our Live Language Instruction Features


One-to-One Instruction

Live face-to-face & customized.

Customized Scheduling

Let us work with your schedule.

World Class Instructors

People, not software.


WASC and Cognia accredited! UC and NCAA approved!

World Language Course Offerings Like No Other

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Online Language Courses for Credit and Tutoring Enhance Learning Experiences

There are a number of reasons why parents invest in online language tutoring and virtual courses for their high school students, but these same parents choose to invest in LanguageBird for a specific and special set of criteria exclusive to our program:

  • Accredited and approved courses taught live, online by an instructor 
  • All lessons are live and fully immersive where communication is key, not videos
  • Complete one-to-one private instruction, attention, and customization
  • All online language classes are taught by native-level speakers who are trained instructors
  • Online learning approach that offers cultural connections  
  • Students set their own schedule and pace
  • Students become confident speakers of the target language which is effective and practical

Set your student up for success with personalized learning to meet them at their level. LanguageBird offers very beginning to advanced courses. Get the most tailored instruction, impress colleges, and prepare students for future studies and careers. Give them the gift of a more manageable class schedule and transferable language credits from an online course that enables a level of enhanced learning and personalized, one-to-one instruction that simply can’t be experienced on a traditional high school campus or with any other online accredited provider.

What’s The Chirping About?


Soraya S.


“Learning the Korean language is something that is very emotional for me. It is the language of my heritage and ancestors, but my mother’s upbringing meant that she could not teach it to me. My instructor, has done an excellent job at teaching me what my family could not pass down. I think that the biggest flaw with many language classes is the focus on memorization, but my instructor did not force me to memorize all of the unnecessary words. Rather, she focused on my ability to remember syntax, conjugation and key terms like subject words and common verbs. She also noticed that I would sometimes get stressed or upset when I made mistakes, and so she would often take time before activities to reassure me and make me feel comfortable. The classes I took were difficult, but properly tuned for my capability, and helped me feel more confident in my skills.”

– Isabella B. LanguageBird, Portuguese Student

Isabella B.


“My LanguageBird online experience has been nothing but positive. I went from knowing a few simple words to being able to get involved in real conversations. Everything was so easy to access and communicate through and my instructor was amazing.”


Rocco R.


“My instructor definitely helped support my goals through her continuous patience. Especially because I have ADHD, she has been very relaxed and understands when I get distracted. Whether a friend of mine is coming up to talk to me, or I was not able to complete that weeks homework, she has been very understanding and deals with those kinds of situations very well. I like that they have specific teachers for those who struggle with ADHD/ADD because I feel like when you have a teacher who understands why you are constantly distracted, or need a minute to calm down or just to relax and get focused it really helps.”


Libby M.


“I loved coming to LanguageBird because it was well organized and extremely productive. My instructor was incredibly personal and took the time to get to know me, which made me want to participate more! My favorite lesson were the ones that we would have free-form conversations about a designated topic! Whenever I got stuck or was having trouble remember something, my instructor was super understanding and always let me try to finish my thought before providing help. The difference at Languagebird, compared to taking a language at school, was the one-on-one feel of the class. I was never stressed and always looked forward to class!”


Hilary S.

LanguageBird Parent, Spanish

“My daughter took a semester of Spanish with LanguageBird and then private tutoring after such a positive experience. I hear her laughing and speaking as she takes her lessons, and her progress has been remarkable. She can now understand me very well as I speak, and can also hold a conversation on her own.”


Karin D.

LanguageBird Parent, Japanese

“My daughter took her first LanguageBird course last year as a sophomore. She really wanted to learn Japanese after taking 4 years of French. Her instructor was incredible and she made learning a new language so much fun for my daughter. She incorporated things that my daughter was interested in to really engage her such as Anime and both the instructor and my daughter had a blast. She learned so much in such a short period of time and couldn’t wait to move on to the next level. We signed her up for Japanese 2 and unfortunately her instructor was taking a break from teaching and wasn’t able to work with her again, however, she was so helpful in finding the perfect fit for her next instructor. He was amazing. He also is a fan of Anime and shared similar interests as my daughter and they really hit it off. He made learning so much fun for her and he was very impressed with her ability to pick up new things so quickly. It really was a testament to his great teaching skills. She ended up moving past Japanese 2 and went on to Japanese 3. I can’t say enough about LanguageBird. Both instructors were awesome and I would highly recommend LanguageBird!”


Caitlin R.

LanguageBird Parent, German

“Our daughter, a heritage language speaker, studied on her own and took the AP German exam in 9th grade. But then she wanted to prepare for a more difficult exam, the C1 exam offered by the German government — and also to prepare to apply for a 3 year formal apprenticeship in Germany after high school. The apprenticeship program involves being paid for working in an entry-level position in her chosen field and attending a German technical school. This would mean she needed to write a formal resume and cover letter in German and do a group interview by Zoom in German. Where could we find a teacher who could help her with this level of preparation, requiring near-native fluency and writing? We were delighted to find LanguageBird and discover that LanguageBird offers two years of coursework beyond the AP level. This meant that not only could our daughter receive tailored preparation for her unique goals through additional tutoring, she could also receive approved and formally accredited high school credit for advanced language courses, keeping her options open for the future and meeting school requirements. Thanks to LanguageBird and her wonderful instructor, she was well-prepared for her C1 exam and interviews. This week she was delighted to receive an offer at one of her top choices. She will be moving to Cologne, Germany to start her apprenticeship this summer.”

Talk to an Admissions Associate

World-class, trained instructors. Top-notch, student-centered curriculum.

No passport or packing required! Experience another language and culture without leaving home.