
Chirp Room® Chat Rooms

Chirp Room® Chat Rooms provide space for small groups of language learners to practice using their language of study. You don’t need to be a current LanguageBird student to join a Chirp Room®! Anyone is welcome!

Who would benefit from Chirp Room® Chat Rooms?

  • Students who would like more time speaking with peers in a supported environment.
  • Students planning to travel or study abroad and would like more practice using the language.
  • Students who would like to connect with and learn from a native speaker.

How does it work?

  • Meet with your Chirp Room® flock at the designated times to practice speaking with the support of a LanguageBird instructor.
  • Instructors will provide topics to discuss and will help ensure each student has the opportunity to participate.
  • There is no homework.
  • Course credit is not offered for this program.

Interested in enrolling this summer?

Get a head start today

We Offer 3 Options For Enrolling In Chirp Room® Chat Rooms:

Join a Small Group Chirp Room®

Join a flock to practice your language skills and make new friends

Small group Chirp Room® Chat Rooms are offered quarterly and last for 4 weeks, with 2 one-hour meetings per week. Meetings are recorded so if you must miss a day, you can catch up later.

Through moderated discussions, students may talk about topics including but not limited to culture, history, science, technology, art, the natural world, education, careers, literature, daily life, meals, celebrations, lifestyle, and any relevant grammar and vocabulary.

Start Your Own Chirp Room®

Get your flock together and start your own Chirp Room®

You can start your own Chirp Room® with a group of friends or family to learn a language in a fun, engaging way with a native-speaking teacher. One-hour sessions bring your group together no matter where they are located. It is ideal for:

  • study groups to increase language skills.
  • friends or family wanting to practice a shared language.
  • families to practice a heritage language.
  • groups planning to travel abroad.

The cost is based on the number of participants and frequency of meetings.

Chirp Room® Chat Rooms for School Groups

Practical experience in natural conversation

Chirp Room® Chat Rooms for school groups provide students practical experience in natural conversation with an engaged teacher as a moderator. Schools can use them to:

  • supplement existing classes or software with one or two meetings per week.
  • give students more practice speaking.
  • give students the opportunity to connect with a native speaker for language and culture immersion.

The cost is based on the number of chat rooms and their frequency. Partner with us!


This disclaimer informs readers that LanguageBird is not responsible for the views, thoughts, and opinions expressed during the Chirp Room® class discussion because they belong solely to the instructor and/or students present, and are not representative of LanguageBird policy or mission. For more information about our Chirp Room® Chat Rooms and acceptable behavior, please see our Terms of Use.

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