Ying Y.
Mandarin Instructor
Hello, my name is Yuan and I’m from China. I’ve been teaching language for 13 years. For the passing two years, I had the opportunity to teach Mandarin at Portland State University. I moved from a big city of China to a small town of the U.S. So you can see I am passionate about teaching. I have years of experience living in Canada and the states, so I understand the challenges for students to learn Mandarin. If you want to learn Chinese for fun, for education, or for business, I will be your perfect teacher. Pick me and we can start learning together. 大家好,我叫袁莹,来自中国。我从事教学已有13年,过去的两年,我在美国波特兰州立大学教授汉语。我非常热爱教学, 我认为的每个学生都是独一无二的,所以我的课堂也是独一无二的。我喜欢和学生交流、成长,也喜欢旅游和美食。如果独一无二的你,也喜欢独一无二的课堂,那就赶紧开始我们的快乐学习之旅吧!